A working meeting within the Cred4Teach project in Montenegro
The Agency for Quality Control and Assurance of Higher Education initiated a working meeting within the Cred4Teach project, which was held on March 15th at the premises of the Agency.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Agency for Quality Control and Assurance of Higher Education and partners of the project from Montenegro, i.e. representatives of the University of Montenegro as well as representatives of the Mediterranean University.
The aim of the meeting was to present the draft structure of the Recommendations on National Procedures for Micro-credentials and to stimulate the discussion on the needs and recommendations for the development and implementation of specific programs developed within the Cred4Teach project.
The partners highlighted some of the challenges they face in the process of developing, evaluating and implementing micro-credentials within the current regulatory framework.
They also agreed that one of the recommendations could be the creation of a comprehensive national strategy on micro-credentials, which would specify in more detail the strategic directions and needs for the development of such programs.
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