Dissemination session at the Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
On February 16, 2024, the Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University held an online event to disseminate information about the activities of the MOOC-based micro-credentials for teacher professional development Erasmus+ project. The participants of the project working group acquainted the attendees with the results of the offline meetings held in January-February 2024.
Associate Professor Chorna A.V. reported on the face-to-face training session “How to become a MOOC designer” that took place in Eskişehir (Turkey) on 10-12 January 2024, based on Anatolia University. It was interesting to learn that the majority of students at this university study remotely and pass the final certification in the same way. In order to ensure the educational process at the university, the conditions for distance learning have been created, as well as for the creation of vocational training courses and the necessary methodological materials. The participants of the meeting had an opportunity to get acquainted with the processes of designing and creating the MOOC that will be implemented within the project.
The Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and International Cooperation Konovalenko T.V. and the First Vice-Rector Hlebova N.I. spoke about the training program “Teacher development in Ukraine, Montenegro and Albania: conceptualization and accreditation of micro-competencies”, which took place on February 5-7, 2024 at the Universidade Aberta de Portugal (Lisbon, Portugal). The main topic of this meeting was the discussion of the system of introduction, recognition and accreditation of micro-qualifications in different countries.
The project coordinator Professor Osadcha K.P. thanked the project participants for the information provided, for their work on the project and wished them fruitful future activities.
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