Drohobych State Pedagogical University has opened a modern media studio thanks to participation in an Cred4teach project
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University (DSPU) is a participant in the international Erasmus+ project for the development of higher education potential CRED4TEACH “MOOC-based micro-credentials for teacher professional development”. The project aims to develop and implement micro-credentials based on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to improve the professional development of teachers in three countries: Albania, Montenegro and Ukraine.
An extremely important stage of the project was the opening of the media studio on January 13, 2025. The studio has been designed and equipped with modern digital tools and equipment for creating open online courses. The set includes: a powerful personal computer for editing massive open online courses; 2 laptops; a camera for shooting video materials; 2 sets of studio lights; other auxiliary equipment for creating high-quality video content and licensed software.
The media studio was opened by the rector of DSPU, Professor Valentyna Bodak, who in the presence of the university staff, members of the Erasmus+ CRED4TEACH project team and students, emphasized the importance of participation in international projects calling on the broad academic community to actively cooperate and use digital tools and the latest technologies to create modern educational content for the development of pedagogical education in Ukraine.
Drohobych University project coordinator Vice-Rector Ihor Hrynyk presented the CRED4TEACH project and reported on the main stages and results of its implementation. Members of the project team (Prof. Svitlana Hirnyak, Prof. Tetyana Pantyuk, Prof. Oresta Karpenko, Assoc. Prof. Khrystyna Voytovych, Assoc. Prof. Nataliia Hoyvanovych, Assoc. Prof. Maria Zamishchak, Assoc. Prof. Lesya Perkhun) shared their impressions emphasizing the importance of the experience gained in their professional activities.
Since the beginning of the project, a team of scientific and pedagogical staff of Drohobych University has undergone an internship in the development of open online courses, acquired relevant skills and knowledge, which is confirmed by certificates issued by universities in Turkey and Portugal, which have significant experience in this field.
One of the main stages of the project implementation has been completed – the development of a national framework that will regulate at the legislative level the mechanisms for providing, obtaining and recognizing micro-credentials in Ukraine, Albania and Montenegro. The developed national framework contains information about micro-credentials, their benefits, general principles of development and implementation, organization of training and certification of their results. Considerable attention is paid to the quality of micro-credentials and their place in national qualification systems.
Another important stage of the CRED4TEACH project was the development of an institutional framework in partner universities based on national recommendations. To date, the participating universities have developed institutional documents that regulate the mechanisms for granting, obtaining and recognizing micro-credentials, and a number of meetings and scientific and practical conferences have been held.
The next stage of the project is the development and implementation of a pilot online course by each university for the assignment of the corresponding micro-credentials. Currently, the DSPU team is working on the development of a massive open online course “Teacher’s Assistant in an Inclusive Environment”, which will be available to teaching staff as part of advanced training courses.
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