Microcredentials training session at Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy
Representatives of the Erasmus+ project team of the Cred4Teach project from Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy (Kharkiv, Ukraine) , Deputy First Vice-Rector, Associate Professor of the Practical Psychology Department Andriy LOMAKIN and the head of the scientific activity group of UEPA, Associate Professor of the Department of Automation, Metrology and Energy-Efficient Technologies Hanna HRYNCHENKO held a training meeting with management and scientific and pedagogical staff of the UEPA.
- dissemination of information about the Erasmus+ activity of the CRED4TEACH project «MOOC-based microcredentials for teacher professional development»;
- implementation of pedagogical microcredential educational programs in UEPA;
- dissemination of experience and knowledge gained during participation in the educational event «Professional development of teachers in Ukraine, Montenegro and Albania: conceptualization and accreditation of MOOC-based microcredentials.
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