Online event on the implementation of the project
On February 26, the National Qualifications Agency hosted an online event organized by the Working Group for the implementation of the EU Erasmus+ project “MOOC-based microcredentials for teacher professional development” to inform about the project and the Agency’s activities in the framework of the project.
- The head of the working group, Agency member Hanna Reznik, presented the main tasks, purpose and goal of the project, as well as the expected results. The focus was on meeting the Agency’s tasks and deadlines.
- The members of the Working Group discussed the presented draft Action and Communication Plan for WP3, Task 3.1, developed by the Agency, as one of the important tasks of the project coordinators.
- Natalia Solodka, Project Manager, Head of the Qualifications Framework Section of the Qualifications Department of the Secretariat of the Agency, presented materials from the training “Teacher Development in Ukraine, Montenegro and Albania: Conceptualization and accreditation of micro-qualifications”, which took place at the Universidade ABERTA (Lisbon, Portugal) on 5-7 February.
- In the framework of WP3, Task 3. 1, the Agency fruitfully cooperates with partners from Albania – AGJENCIA E SIGURIMIT TE CILESISE SE ARSIMIT PARAUNIVERSITAR (ASCAP), Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-University Education and Montenegro – AGENCIJA ZA KONTROLU I OBEZBJEDENJEKVALITETA VISOKOG OBRAZOVANJA (AKOKVO), Agency for Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Higher Education, which emphasizes the importance and relevance of the topic of the EU Erasmus+ project “MOOC-based microcredentials for teacher professional development”.
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